Põltsamaa top events 2025

17.05Museum Night “Books in the night” in Põltsamaa Castle
24.05Kamari Soup Festival
08.06Põltsamaa River Marathon
21.06XXX Põltsamaa Castle Day
27.06Põltsamaa town 99. The fire journey of Estonian Song and Dance festival
12. ja 13.07Visiting game “Forgotten manors” (Adavere manor, Pajusi manor, Puurmani manor, Põltsamaa castle)
12.07Pajusi Mud Run
26. ja 27.07Visiting game “Forgotten manors” (Adavere manor, Pajusi manor, Puurmani manor, Põltsamaa castle)
09.08Visiting game “Forgotten manors” (Adavere manor, Pajusi manor, Puurmani manor, Põltsamaa castle)
09.08Birthday of Põltsamaa Museum
09.08Põltsamaa Cafes Day
09.08Põltsamaa Castle Run
06.12XXVII Chirtsmas Fair in Põltsamaa Culture Center

Calendar is updated all-year-round.

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