How to get to Põltsamaa?

Põltsamaa municipality is located in Central-Estonia. Põltsamaa town lies on the 127th km of Tallinn-Tartu highway and is one of the three towns in Jõgeva County. Põltsamaa has good bus connections with Tallinn and Tartu – some busses stop in Põltsamaa town, majority makes a stop in Puhu-Rist – a bust stop by Tallinn-Tartu highway. From there, a light traffic road for pedestrians and bicycles leads to the town center. The nearest train stations are located in Jõgeva, Türi, Võhma, Viljandi and Tartu. The nearest airports are in Tartu and Tallinn. While in Põltsamaa, you can use taxi service and rent bicycles.

Distance from bigger towns:

Tallinn – 127 km  | Tartu – 59 km | Narva – 185 km
Pärnu – 125 km | Peterburi – 335 km | Riia – 270 km

Bus information, timetables and tickets: Peatus (www.peatus.ee), Tpilet (www.tpilet.ee), Bussipiletid (www.bussipiletid.ee)

Train information, timetables and tickets: AS Eesti Liinirongid (www.elron.ee)

General traffic information and road conditions: Maanteeinfo (tarktee.mnt.ee)

Taxi service in Põltsamaa:  +372 527 0483 (Aivar Antsmaa),  +372 5800 5868 (Laire Soom)

Bicycle rental in Põltsamaa: Põltsamaa Bicycle Center, Kesk tn 1, +372 5558 0110

General information about Põltsamaa municipality

Population:9485 (03.01.2023)
Area: 889,6 km²
Largest settlement: Põltsamaa linn (3743)

Schools: 2
Kindergartens: 2
Villages: 58
Hobby schools: 3

See more:

Põltsamaa Municipality government
Panorama of Põltsamaa town and castle

Põltsamaa municipality: coat of arms and flag.